Alfonso Mendoza Velázquez

Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla (UPAEP), Mexico


Alfonso Mendoza is the Director of the UPAEP Research Center in Economics (CIIE), Puebla, Mexico, which addresses economic and social disparities of development in Mexico. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of York, UK, where he later worked as a post-doctoral teaching fellow. Dr. Mendoza has been a visiting researcher in the Center for Public Health Nutrition at the School of Public Health in the University of Washington, USA.
The National Council for Science and Research (CONACYT) in Mexico has granted him the distinction of National Researcher Level 2 for his academic contribution applied health economics. He has produced research on nutrition economics, centered on the role of costs and prices of food as well as food insecurity and basic food baskets. The current project centers on the concept of positive deviants, individuals that show highest levels of food quality intakes despite socioeconomic constraints. He is also researching the time series patterns of food prices and costs following tax interventions.
Mendoza is the inventor of the Nutritional Purchasing Power Parity Index, which allows consumers to identify and rank the cities facing the lowest food costs to carry on a healthy lifestyle. He is currently developing nutrient profiling of foods, affordability indices and geographic distributions of diets and their quality. In 2018,  Mendoza was awarded the 1st place in the National Research Prize on Health and Nutrition for his research on Energy density of foods and diets in Mexico and their monetary cost.

Research Interest

He has produced research on nutrition economics, centered on the role of costs and prices of food as well as food insecurity and basic food baskets.